The first time I punched in my name and saw how many sites there were, I thought, that's scary. I got too involved where I got worried and panicked and tried to stop it. But you know what, if I just let it go and not worry about it, then it will be fine. Because it's all about how it makes me feel and I was letting it get to me.
Jenny McCarthyThe idea that vaccines are a primary cause of autism is not as crackpot as some might wish. Autism's 60-fold rise in 30 years matches a tripling of the US vaccine schedule.
Jenny McCarthyI usually have my protein at lunch and my carbs at night - I don't mix protein and carbs.
Jenny McCarthyPeople are also dying from vaccinations. Evan, my son, died in front of me for two minutes. You ask any mother in the autism community if we'll take the flu, the measles, over autism and day of the week. I think they need to wake up and stop hurting our kids.
Jenny McCarthyI did want to acknowledge and confirm the fact that my son does, indeed, have an autism diagnosis.
Jenny McCarthy