I think in the end, anger and negativity from other people is all about what's going on inside them. So I don't really mind it. There's a lot of it online, there's a load of it on the roads, but I just plow on regardless.
Jeremy VineI do think, from what we know of people who've had near-death experiences, that they often feel a warmth, and a light and a sense of love, and that would be great if that were there when we died.
Jeremy VineI have a very traditional Christian faith, so I want to believe that there's a God. But I haven't really thought about it too much. I don't really buy the idea of hell, I struggle a bit with that part of the Christian story, it just seems to be overdoing it. But whether I can choose what I believe and don't believe, I don't know.
Jeremy Vineะกrucially, that crescent moon icon on your phone, the 'Do Not Disturb' function, you need to know what that is. If you don't know what that is you're in trouble. My ambition is to use that once a day.
Jeremy Vine