After Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election, I was heartened to see him issue an Open Government Initiative on his first full day in office.
Jesse VenturaI believe to go along to get along is unpatriotic. I believe that agreeing with your government on everything they do is unpatriotic. I believe a patriot stands up and holds your government's feet to the fire. Because if you do that, you will get good government.
Jesse VenturaI do not support the third party movement anymore. I now advocate the abolishment of all political parties. We've allowed the parties to take over the government.
Jesse VenturaThe prohibition of drugs causes crime. You don't have to legalize, just decriminalize it.
Jesse VenturaIn my era of wrestling, there were no guaranteed contracts, so it was inherent that you draw the crowd in to make money.
Jesse VenturaRemember something, if you will, about voting: Voting is not a horse race, you're not going there thinking "Gee, I gotta pick the winner so I can brag to my friends 'Oh, I picked so-and-so and he or she won'". Voting is voting your heart and voting your conscience and when you've done that, don't ever, EVER let a Democrat or Republican tell you that you've wasted your vote because the fact is, if you DON'T vote your heart and conscience then you HAVE wasted your vote.
Jesse Ventura