There are other forms of community-based decision-making, not unlike, you know, our elected bodies, except that the intention here is to exclude pay-to-play players from determining how these decisions are made.
Jill SteinAverage wages now are still just barely above poverty, and one out of three Americans cannot afford healthcare even with the insurance,with jobs.
Jill SteinDemocracy cannot function just on who do we fear the most, you know, or who do we hate the most; we need an affirmative agenda.
Jill SteinThe other piece of this is that we call for cutting our bloated and dangerous military budget. And this is something that is made possible by moving to 100% clean renewable energy, where we cannot justify wars for oil, and where we cannot justify having some 700, 800 bases gathered around the world in something like 100 countries in significant measure protecting either access to fossil fuels or protecting routes of transportation.
Jill SteinAs I came through medical school, it was very exciting because physicians were reaching out to each other, between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, and sort of helping to build bridges among, you know, people, people who were not allowing our government to pit us against each other and to actually take us to the brink of nuclear war. And Physicians for Social Responsibility wound up getting a Peace Prize, a Nobel Peace Prize, which they shared with International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War.
Jill SteinSalazar, Ken Salazar, who is a big advocate for the TPP and for fracking. So, you know, since when have we learned to believe what Hillary Clinton says? And just because something has been adopted in the Democratic Party platform, you know, it's a voluntary platform so it has absolutely no traction. This was about trying to buy back the [Bernie] Sanders supporters.
Jill Stein