Where does Donald Trump come from - and it's not just Donald Trump. It's a whole movement of right-wing extremism, not just in this country but also in Europe, which is a response to globalization, to the financialization of our economy, you know, to the trade agreements that throw working people under the bus.
Jill SteinShe [Hillary Clinton] wants to start an air war over Syria with Russia, a nuclear-armed power.
Jill SteinAs Bernie Sanders himself said, you know, the [Donald] Trump movement reflects the economic despair and misery that's been inflicted not only on the American people but people around the world.
Jill SteinTo millennials, the Democratic Party is the party of endless debt, it is the party of low-wage jobs, it is the part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, it is the party of the KXL pipeline, which was only stopped because, you know, because we, the voters, you know, just worked our bones - you know, worked ourselves to the bone in order to stop it.
Jill SteinWhen Pearl Harbor was bombed, you know, there was a whole lot of buy-in to a national mobilization. And 25% of the economy was transformed in six months. And we're not calling for six months, we're saying 15 years. That's about what we've got. And probably all that we've got.
Jill SteinI usually walk six miles a day.I take my cellphone and I go out on the bike path and I just walk and work.
Jill Stein[My parents] were very interested in social justice issues, and there was a time, very early on, where my mother, I think, actually went to some demonstrations for integrating housing.
Jill SteinOver three-quarters of the American people are saying it's time to open up the debates. We have rejected these two candidates [Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump] at the highest levels of disapproval in our history.
Jill SteinI feel very sorry for people who are trapped in an abusive relationship and keep making excuses for their abuser.
Jill SteinThis is not to isolate Israel but rather to hold Israel to a higher standard that we also have to hold ourselves to as well.
Jill SteinWe had lead emitted in gasoline and in paint, painting generations of housing for an entire century, practically, before it was regulated. That's what I'm talking about, is that we have a regulatory system that is biased to protect profit and not to protect people. We need a much more precautionary and proactive regulatory system that is not influenced by the revolving door.
Jill SteinThe neocons are supporting Hillary [Clinton] just like the neoliberals are. She's seeking the endorsement of Henry Kissinger as well.
Jill SteinWe are subsidizing healthy food instead of subsidizing food that is definitely not healthy for us.
Jill SteinWho knows what it is, but he [Donald Trump] is incapable of having a consistent thought or policy.
Jill SteinI was more tuned into the assassinations, the riots that were going on, like in Watts, and, in fact, my summer before my senior year in high school I went on the Experiment in International Living to Sweden, yes, with a group of students , you know, leisurely discussion over the summer about, you know, where we were going to go with our lives, and how did you how did, you know, being a born-again Christian mesh with being, you know, a socialist from New York.
Jill SteinHillary Clinton, herself, in a leaked State Department email identified the Saudis as still the major funder of Sunni jihad around the world. And we would basically say to our allies that we will no longer support such policies which we, ourselves, have been a party to and that we would put a freeze on the bank accounts of countries that continue to fund jihadi terrorism.
Jill SteinThe two majority candidates right now, the Democratic and Republican candidates,[Donald] Trump and [Hillary] Clinton, are the most disliked and untrusted Presidential candidates in our history with more than majority disapproval.
Jill SteinI was really intrigued by how - sort of the common themes and sort of the blend among music, and that was sort of my real interest was, at one point, musically, was how you could weave those different kinds of songs and traditions together.
Jill SteinBernie's campaign was very principled in most regards, I think, you know, he certainly didn't go far enough in questioning the military policy, the military-industrial complex, and so on, but you know I think that's the price you pay for being in the Democratic Party. And Bernie [Sanders] has to pay that price.
Jill Stein[ Iraq and Afghanistan] don't get better, they only get worse. Bombing them has only enabled them to grow and multiply.
Jill SteinWe will not really address our foreign policy and these endless wars that show no end in sight and seem to be getting deeper and broader and more catastrophic with each passing day.
Jill SteinRemember Donald Trump had about $4 billion worth of free media, and Hillary Clinton has had about $2 billion, and we've had zero. I think it remarkable that we are standing where we are.
Jill SteinIn other words, "speaking truth" as a social movement may move you forward in some ways, but to really lock in and have real enduring change, it takes both a movement on the ground and an independent political party that is itself the defiance of that two-party corporate big-money control of politics.
Jill SteinYou go into the voting booths and you can rank your choices. So your first choice is an underdog that might not win, you know, that your choice number two, which might be your lesser evil, your safety choice, your vote is automatically reassigned from your first choice to your second choice if your first choice losses and there's not a majority winner. So it essentially eliminates, splitting it, eliminates having to vote your fear instead of your values.
Jill SteinWe have missiles - nuclear missiles - on hair-trigger alert. We should be in the business of nuclear disarmament right now, which neither of these candidates [Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton] are talking about.
Jill SteinWe have been subject to globalization and financialization and austerity and workers have been thrown under the bus while the one percent is rolling in dough.
Jill SteinThe Keystone pipeline will spew a massive amount of carbon pollution into our fragile atmosphere. It should be stopped.
Jill SteinWe call for a green New Deal, like the New Deal that got us out of the Great Depression, but in this case focusing on green jobs to create 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, which is exactly what the science calls for.
Jill SteinWhen Cuba lost their fossil fuel pipeline when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990. Overnight they had no choice, they had to transition to clean energy, they didn't have any fuel to burn, and they also had to transition to a healthy food system, an organic system - their economy is crashing, this was not a planned transition. This was a crisis, but a crisis nonetheless, in which pollution went away. And it's very instructive to see what happened to their health.
Jill SteinRemember, we could solve this in a heartbeat with ranked-choice voting. The Democrats won't pass it. This allows you to rank your choices and eliminates the intimidation and the fear. They won't pass it; I know because I helped file the bill. Sixteen years ago in Massachusetts they could have solved the spoiler problem. They won't do it because they rely on fear. The fact that they rely on fear tells you something very important. They are not on your side. For that reason alone, they do not deserve your vote.
Jill SteinWhile the President [Barack Obama] did a good thing when he said he personally supported equal marriage, he then quickly backed away and said that he wasn't going to do anything about it - that it was a state matter, and that he wasn't going to interfere, as opposed to being than being a real advocate for equality across the board in marriage. He also, I think two weeks prior to that statement, refused to sign an executive order to establish equal rights in the workplace for the LGBT community.
Jill SteinWhat's going on with [Donald] Trump, you can't even get at, you know, and what he said was that even to clarify 15 out of these 500 deals, these are just like the most frightening Mafiosos around the world.
Jill SteinIf people fear that they have to choose between their job or fixing the climate, they will always protect their job. Because that's how they live to see tomorrow.
Jill SteinWe call for a bailout for an entire generation that is basically held hostage by unpayable student-loan debt.
Jill SteinWe really are, we represent, the core of basic American community values. And the name of the game is getting the word out, you know, and they are quaking in their boots, which, of course, is why they will not pass ranked choice voting.
Jill SteinIf my campaign is not in the debate, we will not be talking about how we really fix this problem of endless and expanding war, why we need to cut the military budget by 50%, why we need to bring back our troops scattered overseas, the police force of the world, in over a hundred countries, something like eight hundred bases, but who's counting, why we need to basically bring those troops home and why we need to stop this policy of regime change, these wars on terror, which only create more terror. This needs to be debated.
Jill SteinWe are plunging headlong into a cold war, and we have 2,000 nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert.
Jill SteinWe forced Richard Nixon and the Congress who established, and thanks to your leadership, we supported you and we got the Environmental Protection Act and Agency.
Jill SteinYou have endorsements, everyone from Meg Whitman to the neocon John Negroponte and others who are all saying, you know, we're with Hillary [Clinton] now.
Jill Stein