How about Burma, Somalia, Afghanistan, Libya, our streets, our neighborhoods, our own minds. We don't have to look far - and we should look far as well.
Joan HalifaxMy work has been in the field of engaged Buddhism. That is my own practice, which began in 1965 that formed the base for the work I was doing in the civil rights and anti-war movement.
Joan HalifaxCompassionate action emerges from the sense of openness, connectedness, and discernment you have created.
Joan HalifaxMany of us think that compassion drains us, but I promise you it is something that truly enlivens us.
Joan HalifaxWhen we walk slowly, the world can fully appear. Not only are the creatures not frightened away by our haste or aggression, but the fine detail of fern and flower, or devastation and disruption, becomes visible. Many of us hurry along because we do not want to see what is really going on in and around us. We are afraid to let our senses touch the body of suffering or the body of beauty
Joan Halifax