The more the specific feelings of being under obligation range themselves under a supreme principle of human dependence the clearer and more fertile will be the realization of the concept, indispensable to all true culture, of service; from the service of God down to the simple social relationship as between employer and employee.
Johan HuizingaWhatever our creed or belief, we all know that there is no way back, that we must fight our way through.
Johan HuizingaWithout claiming superiority of intellectual over visual understanding, one is nevertheless bound to admit that the cinema allowsa number of รฆsthetic-intellectual means of perception to remain unexercised which cannot but lead to a weakening of judgment.
Johan HuizingaAll seemingly profound thinking which passes for realism, because it conveniently does away with all troublesome principles, has agreat attraction for the adolescent mind.
Johan Huizinga