People who believe in themselves and in a cause greater than themselves can achieve great things-as long as they have a well-intentioned leader to point them in the right direction.
John BaldoniNo one can dictate purpose to another. We discover it for ourselves. Typically leaders know what makes them tick so they do have a purpose, be it to advance their career, achieve some wealth, and be recognized for their efforts. Where they need help is reminding themselves of why they chose their career and their company. They also need to decide periodically if they need to do something new and different. Purpose is an inner compass that points us in the right direction.
John BaldoniFocusing on one's own purpose is a matter of considering what you want to do, why you want to do it, and how you will do it. Easy questions, but they do provide deep thought.
John BaldoniWe are living in times of great uncertainty. Likely no more so than in previous times but the sense of ambiguity may be more pervasive in light of the financial crash from which we have yet to recover. That means leaders need to step up their game. They need to more specifically in providing direction and in delivering inspiration.
John BaldoniLeadership is an active, living process. It is rooted in character, forged by experience, and communicated by example.
John BaldoniResults come from purpose because it is the outcome of what you striving to do. For example, if you run a cardiac care center your goal is best in class cardiac career. Your purpose is to help people leave more healthy lives. Communicating that outcome to all stakeholders physicians, nurses, support staff, etc. a clear goal.
John Baldoni