Until I understand where I am, I can’t get to where I am going. This is the value of a compass when we are out walking or hiking and need to know we’re going in the right direction. But we also have an internal North Star. It’s that little nudge that tells us if we are on the right path to fulfilling our potential, or on the wrong path wasting energy traveling somewhere we don’t need to go. So my advice to you is, pull out that compass every once in a while and make sure you are navigating in the right direction on your journey.
John C. MaxwellBusiness schools reward complex behavior but it's the simple behavior that makes you successful in life
John C. MaxwellGood thinkers always prime the pump of ideas. They always look for things to get the thinking process started, because what you put in always impacts what comes out.
John C. MaxwellUnless you want to carry the whole load yourself, you need to be developing leaders.
John C. MaxwellIf you want to become a better listener, however you need to learn to direct that energy and attention positively by concentrating on the person you're with.
John C. MaxwellLeaders should get out of their comfort zone but stay in their strength zone. When their work lies within their natural gifting and strengths, leaders experience the greatest return in productivity and contentment. Life is too short to live in the comfort zone, where growing and accomplishing and achieving your potential takes a back seat. I suggest you refocus if the comfort zone is your leadership priority.
John C. Maxwell