Successful people don't have any fewer problems than unsuccessful people; they just have a different mindset in dealing with them.
John C. MaxwellA leader's ability to convey confidence and his ability to communicate effectively are similar.
John C. MaxwellCOMMUNICATION: If I had to pick a first rule of communication-the one practice above all others that opens the door to connecting with others-it would be to look for common ground. Too often people see communication as the process of transmitting massive amounts of information to other people. But that's the wrong picture. Communication is a journey. The more that people have in common, the better the chance that they can take that journey together.
John C. MaxwellI am convinced more than ever that good communication and leadership are all about connecting. If you can connect with others at every level -one-on-one, in groups, and with an audience-your relationships are stronger, your sense of community improves, your ability to create teamwork increases, your influence increases, and your productivity skyrockets.
John C. Maxwell