I'm not trying to brainwash my critics. If they're critics, they're critics, and that's their job to be critical, but I certainly enjoy the involvement I have with my fans. I enjoy the time I get to spend with them, and I don't waste time with someone stubborn who is not going to come around.
John CenaCeNation. Wwe reports that last night at approximatley 9pm est. It terminated its contract with cousin of john cena, juan. The wwe wishes juan the best of luck in his future endeavors.
John CenaThis is everything to me. If I don't have this, I don't know what else I'll be doing. I personally have found where I belong. You can cut back to photos of me holding, uh, paper championships. That was truly my dream. This is what I was born to do. As far as walking away from all this to do something else, I don't..I just don't...I don't see the rationality.
John CenaA man's character is not judged after he celebrates a victory, but by what he does when his back is against the wall.
John Cena