I often think I would like to come even closer to home and write about somewhere like Wales, for example - which we in England tend to be a little snooty about. That's where the coal comes from and that sort of thing.
John GimletteI think one should express opinions and these books are relatively opinionated. They would be a bit dry without it.
John GimletteThe noise that we can expect in the future will only increase and we'll be wishing for rural Portugal or something like that.
John GimletteThere is a very big difference between American and British travel journalism, and that's this whole business of the assisted or freebie trip. In Britain we are unashamed about any travel company paying for you to go and then writing about it. That's the only way we can do it. But I have tried the same in the States, and I can't write for any sizeable American newspaper because they tell you to do it on this basis.
John Gimlette