There is nothing less important in life than the score after one game of a two out of three game match.
John KesselCoaches and players at the start must think their way through problems where a more experienced person would react out of habit and memory. One must not gain this experience, however, without being careful of empty redundancy. Do not fall into the error of the artist who boasts of 20 years of experience at his craft while, in fact, all he has had is one year - 20 times.
John KesselAn advantage to volleyball is that you have a scoreboard to tell how you have done as a team. The thing is, in life there is no scoreboard, at least not one that you can see.
John KesselThere is no such thing as 'staying in shape;' you either work to get better, or you allow yourself to get worse.
John KesselTeachers all over the nation are doing the job they are asked to do, but one they are not really prepared to do. To teach volleyball as a physical activity that is also a positive experience. If you care about volleyball, help these teachers have fun and learn more of this great game. Teach the teachers.
John Kessel