Parents make sure homework is returned without error, drill their kids on upcoming tests to the saturation point, and then complain if teachers do not give the grades they think their kids deserve. By that point, it's hard to tell whose grades they are.
John RosemondInvariably, micromanaging results in four problems: deceit, disloyalty, conflict, and communication problems.
John RosemondHow do you prevent a little sociopath from becoming a big, full-blown sociopath? Sit on him.
John RosemondToday's mom watches her every child-rearing step lest she commit some egregious and apocalyptic parenting faux pas that will certainly doom her child to a life spent sleeping under overpasses, or worse, not going to Harvard.
John RosemondGive your children regular, daily doses of Vitamin N. This vital nutrient consists simply of the most character-building two-letter word in the English language No...Unfortunately, many, if not most, of today's children suffer from Vitamin N deficiency. They've been overindulged by well-meaning parents who've given them far too much of what they want and far too little of what they truly need.
John Rosemond