You do not have to protect people's pocket books. They'll do a better job of that than you will.
When people get drunk they do things they shouldn't do.
The only way I see an out is for you to take full responsibility.
Authority leads through position. Influence builds others out of relationship.
Everyone has influence. Use it wisely.
People who excel at something can rarely tell you how to do something.
You must emulate the truth you exhort.
David did not pay for his forgiveness. He did pay for his unforgiveness.
The question is not what was different about Bathsheba. The difference was what had become different about David.
Uriah proved to be a better man drunk than David was sober.
When Jesus Christ forgives you of sin, He never brings it back up.
Influencers refuse to leave the world they way they found it. They leave a legacy.
That's what wrong. We've got people whose wallets have not been baptized.
You can't receive forgiveness unless you let God deal with your deceit.
God uses us to impact others.
The stewardship of influence. What have you done with influence?
I've never seen so much suicide...The Bible is full of hope.
Most people know who believes in them.
What blame did Jesus have when He took the full blame for your sin?
We do a stewardship series every offering time.
What seems over your head is always under His feet.