I think it's deeply important for us to know, especially when we come from the outside, how "ordinary people" think and feel and what their expectations are and what their concerns are. Also what's in their imaginations, what's in their minds, even what their rumors are and what their gossip is.
Jon Lee AndersonIt is important to know how influential people think and perceive their countrymen, let's say, especially when you are talking about people in power. I think it can be very revealing how they regard themselves and their relationship or their responsibility to their countrymen. That is vital for us all to know and in order to be able to judge them and evaluate them.
Jon Lee AndersonLife has become terribly insecure. It's on the vortex of civil war. It's difficult to know how America will bring it back from the brink and build up good will.
Jon Lee AndersonIf you can find a way to confound people's prejudices, restore the humanity of people, individuals, you restore them to life.
Jon Lee AndersonChe is not just a potent figure of protest, but the idealistic, questioning kid who exists in every society and every time.
Jon Lee Anderson