The truth of the matter is, Satan and God may want the exact same event to take place - but for different reasons. Satan's motive in Jesus' crucifixion was rebellion; God's motive was love and mercy. Satan was a secondary cause behind the Crucifixion, but it was God who ultimately wanted it, willed it, and allowed Satan to carry it out. And the same holds true for disease.
Joni Eareckson TadaPrograms, systems and methods sit well in the ivory towers of monasteries or in the wooden arms of icons. Head knowledge comes from the pages of a theology text. But the invitation to know God - truly know Him - is always an invitation to suffer. Not to suffer alone, but to suffer with Him.
Joni Eareckson TadaGod is truly on the side of those who work for social justice, especially when we accompany that work with the giving of the Gospel!
Joni Eareckson TadaIn the Christian faith, God really puts suffering front and center. He doesn't get squeamish about it.
Joni Eareckson Tada