If you work on your creativity, you deepen your spirituality. And if you work on your spirituality, you deepen your creativity.
Julia CameronOur moods and insights are transitory. This current is a flow of grace moving us to our right livelihood, companions, destiny.
Julia CameronWhen we seek daily spiritual guidance, we are guided toward the next step forward for our art. Sometimes the step is very small. Sometimes the step is, "Wait. Not now." Sometimes the step is, "Work on something else for a while." When we are open to Divine Guidance, we will receive it. It will come to us as the hunch, the inkling, the itch. It will come to us as timely conversations with others. It will come to us in many ways--but it will come.
Julia CameronIn recovering from our creative blocks, it is necessary to go gently and slowly... These are baby steps. Progress, not perfection, is what we should be asking of ourselves.
Julia Cameron