You must never believe everything they say about a person. Generally speaking, most of it will be lies, half-truths at best.
Kate AtkinsonHindsight's a wonderful thing. If we all had it there would be no history to write about.
Kate AtkinsonWhen I'm writing, my neural pathways get blocked. I can't read. I can barely hold a conversation without forgetting words and names. I wish I could wear the same clothes and eat the same food each day.
Kate AtkinsonAlternate history fascinates me, as it fascinates all novelists, because 'What if?' is the big thing.
Kate AtkinsonI can't imagine what it would be like to write in a relaxed state. I'm going to be writing some stories for my own interest. I want to experiment with different things and see if I can approach writing with much less control and in a better psychological state. It will be like breaking out of a straitjacket.
Kate Atkinson