I consider a CD or a comedy collection as a record of what I've been doing, and I try to wrap it up and start new material.
Kate ClintonWe really got a lot of very conservative gay people. You could look at the figures from the last election and realize that a third of the gay movement voted Republican.
Kate ClintonLaughter takes the tyranny of the lies we are told and told and told and it blows them apart.
Kate ClintonLesbian humor isn't trying to sell anything, it doesn't have to sell out. Coming out as a lesbian onstage is still a very political act; if it weren't, more women would do it.
Kate ClintonIn this political climate, people are so shut down to other ideas - I call it a hardening of the categories - that if you can get them to open up and laugh, there is a possibility of improvement, and a possibility of change. I think humor sneaks up on people, and before you know it, you're laughing at something you might not agree with.
Kate Clinton