Love, like life, is much stranger and far more complicated than one is brought up to believe.
Kay Redfield JamisonChaos and intensity are no substitute for lasting love, nor are they necessarily an improvement on real life.
Kay Redfield JamisonMost people don't have the advantage of being able to evaluate their doctor in advance.
Kay Redfield JamisonPeople are more impulsive and they get slightly less impulsive as they get older and the impulsiveness interacting with the depression is particularly devastating and lethal, potentially lethal.
Kay Redfield JamisonNo pill can help me deal with the problem of not wanting to take pills; likewise, no amount of psychotherapy alone can prevent my manias and depressions. I need both. It is an odd thing, owing life to pills, one's own quirks and tenacities, and this unique, strange, and ultimately profound relationship called psychotherapy
Kay Redfield Jamison