Since all taxpayers are being forced to fund the religion of evolution in schools and it is evolution that must be proven to be the only way our universe came into being like the textbooks say, what happens if one jury member will not vote with the rest?
Kent HovindTeaching the pagan religion of evolutionism is a waste of valuable class time and textbook space. It is also one of the reasons American kids don't test as well in science as kids in other parts of the world.
Kent HovindMaybe the purpose of the space program [NASA] is to prepare the world for Big Brother - the New World Order.
Kent HovindOf course the Devil is laughing at folks for believing it [Big Bang, etc.]. But hey, it works, it sends 'em to Hell, so he'll use it.
Kent HovindEvolutionism is a religious world view that is not supported by science, Scripture, popular opinion, or common sense. The exclusive teaching of this dangerous, mind-altering philosophy in tax supported schools, parks, museums, etc. is a clear violation of the First Amendment.
Kent HovindThey [the New World Order] want to reduce the population [to 500 million] and their target date is May 5th of 2000. [.....] The demons who call themselves spirit guides have told them. "You know, you have to reduce the population by May 5th." Because May 5th is Karl Marx's birthday, you know, enter the Age of Aquarius. [.....] I suspect they may use Y2K as an excuse to create some little problems here, we shall have to wait and see.
Kent Hovind