If someone asks, Is anyone alive? Break, your, head, open, and, show, your, ten, ta, cle.
Kim HyesoonIn my opinion, poets talk through the symptoms of disease. These symptoms of disease are predictions, screams, and songs.
Kim HyesoonSince the boundary of the world of poetry is fluid, the language in it is also fluid. Hence, the language that is outside of the poetry world, namely the language that is not the language of poetry, cannot go into the poetry world.
Kim HyesoonSpeaking as an outsider is the most authentic voice for a poet. Poets who have one hundred thousand or one million readers [as many South Korean poets do] might not be a real, authentic poet.
Kim HyesoonIt is difficult to disturb the common usage of Korean that is bent to the perspective of a male-oriented society. Korean society is based on both a politics and history that have been disguised as a solid society of solid male poems, a solid written language, fixed rules of how to write literature, and a narrative language.
Kim Hyesoon