There are many people of cosmopolitan temperament who are not from the elites of their societies or the world; and while, for a variety of reasons, I think a cosmopolitan spirit does naturally go with city life, that's the life of a very large proportion of human beings today. And I don't think rural people can't be cosmopolitan, in my sense.
Kwame Anthony AppiahA value is like a fax machine: it’s not much use if you’re the only one who has one.
Kwame Anthony AppiahThe version of cosmopolitanism that I favor is exactly about balancing universality and difference. Many people who believe rightly in universality, want, wrongly, I think, to impose their vision of the world on others. They think not just that there are universal truths but that they already know what they are. And they don't think they have anything to learn, as a result, from others. They don't converse, they try to convert.
Kwame Anthony AppiahConversation doesn’t have to lead to consensus about anything especially not values; it’s enough that it helps people get used to one another
Kwame Anthony Appiah