It was all very strange, Mr. Gray thought, as he wiped the coffee canister clean with a sponge. Very, very mysterious. You were born; you lived a whole life; and at the end, you wound up in a coffee canister. "Ah, well," he said out loud quietly. "That's just the way things are. Life's a funny business." Death, he supposed, was the punch line.
Lauren OliverSomeday she will be saved, and the past and all its pain will be rendered as smoothly palatable as the food we spoon to our babies.
Lauren OliverThe last laugh, the last cup of coffee, the last sunset, the last time you jump through a sprinkler, or eat an ice-cream cone, or stick your tongue out to catch a snowflake. You just don't know.
Lauren OliverPlease understand. Please forgive me. I prayed every day for you to be alive, until hope became painful. Don't hate me. I still love you.
Lauren Oliver