With public speaking, practicing congruence is very helpful - allowing the words to be expressed with the face and body. It helps to think of simply "turning up the nonverbal volume."
Laurie HelgoeLet's clear one thing up: Introverts do not hate small talk because we dislike people. We hate small talk because we hate the barrier it creates between people.
Laurie HelgoeReading is like travel, allowing you to exit your own life for a bit, and to come back with a renewed, even inspired, perspective.
Laurie HelgoeAn extrovert is more likely to share immediate reactions and process information through conversation.
Laurie HelgoeIntroverts tend to internalize problems. In other words, we place the source of problems within and blame ourselves. Though introverts may also externalize and see others as the problem, it's more convenient to keep the problem "in house." Internalizers tend to be reliable and responsible, but we can also be very hard on ourselves.
Laurie Helgoe