By the time Apple's Macintosh operating system finally falls into the public domain, there will be no machine that could possibly run it. The term of copyright for software is effectively unlimited.
Lawrence LessigMonopolies are not justified by theory; they should be permitted only when justified by facts. If there is no solid basis for extending a certain monopoly protection, then we should not extend that protection. This does not mean that every copyright must prove its value initially. That would be a far too cumbersome system of control. But it does mean that every system or category of copyright or patent should prove its worth. Before the monopoly should be permitted, there must be reason to believe it will do some good -- for society, and not just for monopoly holders.
Lawrence LessigWinner take all does not exist in the Constitution. It's a restriction imposed on the electors by the states.
Lawrence LessigCopyrights have not expired, and will not expire, so long as Congress is free to be bought to extend them again.
Lawrence Lessig