A wolf is no less a wolf because he's dressed in sheepskin and the devil is no less the devil because he's dressed as an angel.
LeCraeFor me, my faith dictates everything I do, so no matter what I'm saying in my art, my faith is the driver for that. That's what I'd encourage people to understand as they listen to my music. It's distinct. My worldview bleeds through my music.
LeCraeI think everybody has a purpose. Everybody is made to be a picture of how good and glorious God is, and I think sometimes we'll get it confused and think because we mess up, we make mistakes or we have some blemishes in our record, that our purpose is somehow messed up. But actually that only serves to further paint a picture of how good God is when he uses people who are messed up just like me.
LeCraeI like to be in the zone. I like being in the studio with the artists, with the producers, with the musicians, feeling it, and going there. I feel like I have a lot of content to start writing about.