I was very introverted growing up and I had small circle of friends. Any opportunity I got to rap or articulate things through rhyme or hip hop was great for me.
LeCraeAs a revolutionary, I don't just want to sit by and say, "Oh this feels good, let's just do it." I'm going to die for what I believe in and stand for it.
LeCraeThe bible says it's by grace that you're saved it's not by dressing up that you're saved. So I just wanted people to know it's not about putting on airs, it's about being honest and transparent and saying "God here's my junk, can you help me?"
LeCraeI want people to know that LeCrae the person is a Christian. Just because you put a tag on me or my music that doesn't make me or the music more or less of a Christian. I'd hope the legacy that I'd leave that people say... No, he's not a Christian because he said he was or because his stuff was labeled that. He's a Christian because he lived it! And when you know him and you know his life this is someone whose life is marked by Jesus.