What is Truth? Truth is the attribute of when the human heart marries the love of God, and the result is passion for your spiritual path.
Lee CarrollSee your reality as a life that has many tracks or potentials that you call "the future."
Lee CarrollDon't be so fond of what you planned that somehow to change it seems like a violation of your own choice and wisdom. It's just the opposite.
Lee CarrollYour sexual attributes are simply chemistry and setups within your DNA. They are given by agreement as gifts for you to experience in this life.
Lee CarrollThirty years ago, interracial marriage was considered to be wrong by the laws of God. Now your society finds it common. The spiritual objections around it were either dropped or "rewritten" by those divinely inspired and authorized to do so. Therefore, your actual interpretations of the instructions from God changed with your society's tolerance level - an interesting thing, indeed, how the interpretations of God seem to change regularly to match a changing culture!
Lee Carroll