The way to infinite joy is through the elimination of desire, - no attachments, no aversions.
Lester LevensonUntil we become fully free, we put up a false front, a facade, to others for the purpose of winning the acceptance and approval of others. We behave in accordance with what we think the other one wants rather than by expressing our own real feelings.
Lester LevensonOnce you realize how effortless the highest way of life is, it takes tremendous effort to assume the opposite.
Lester LevensonWhat is joy? Joy is nothing but the Self. When desires are fulfilled, the mind is stilled. This allows the Self to shine forth and that is what we call joy.
Lester LevensonI was letting go and undoing the hell I had created. By squaring all with love, trying to love rather than trying to be loved, and by taking responsibility for all that was happening to me; finding my subconscious thought and correcting it, I became freer and freer, happier and happier.
Lester LevensonNervousness is caused by wanting two opposing things at the same time, one consciously and the other subconsciously. The battle is resolved when you make the subconscious desire conscious. On the other hand, if you know what you are, there will be no conflicts. You can do that through seeking. It is not necessary to understand the negative. It is far better to be positive. Be Your Self.
Lester Levenson