The only way to build a good company is one satisfied customer at a time. However, to build a great company, we must add one raving fan at a time. The difference is this...a satisfied customer will come back, but a raving fan not only comes back, but becomes part of your sales team. There's a big difference!
Mac AndersonThis is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind... let it be something good.
Mac AndersonIt's not the things we get but the hearts we touch that will determine our success in life.
Mac AndersonAttitudes truly are contagious, and from time to time we need to ask ourselves, 'Is mine worth catching?'
Mac AndersonNever underestimate the power of belief when it comes to fulfilling your dreams. I can say with no hesitation that every person I've ever met who has achieved any degree of success has one thing in common: they believed with all their heart they could do it.
Mac AndersonI've come to realize that the difference in success or failure is not how you look, how you dress, or how you're educated. It's how you think !
Mac AndersonI highly recommend setting aside pockets of time during each day for solitude. You might have only five or ten minutes, but be alone and uninterrupted. And then sometime each week devote an extended time - at least one hour - to reconnect with your soul. How and when you do it is a very personal thing, but plan it because solitude doesn't happen on its own. Make it a priority in your life.
Mac Anderson