The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six.
Maria MontessoriWhen the child goes out, it is the world itself that offers itself to him. Let us take the child out to show him real things instead of making objects which represent ideas and closing them up in cupboards.
Maria MontessoriIt is true that we cannot make a genius. We can only give to teach child the chance to fulfil his potential possibilities.
Maria MontessoriAt about a year and a half, the child discovers another fact, and that is that each thing has its own name.
Maria MontessoriThe child's true constructive energy, a dynamic power, has remained unnoticed for thousands of years. Just as men have trodden the earth, and later tilled its surface, without thought for the immense wealth hidden in its depths, so the men of our day make progress after progress in civilized life, without noticing the treasures that lie hidden in the psychic world of infancy.
Maria Montessori