My friend Kathy is the only person who'll be halfway honest with me. 'Did you ever see a cowboy film, where someone has been caught by the Indians and tied between two wild stallions, each pulling in opposite directions?' she asked.I nodded mutely.'That's a bit what giving birth is like.
Marian KeyesI've been so showered in life, beyond my wildest dreams, such as having a loving partner I never thought I'd have.
Marian KeyesMy truth is that what doesn't kill you makes you weaker rather than stronger, although it makes you wiser.
Marian KeyesI am different when my nails are done. I am more dynamic. I gesticulate more, I am better at scaring my staff. I can indicate impatience by drumming on tabletops and I can wrap up a meeting with a few choice clatters.
Marian Keyes