I rang my mother to thank her for giving birth to me and she said, "What choice had I? You were in there, how else were you going to get out?
Marian KeyesI sighed. "What is life but fleeting moments of happiness strung together on necklace of despair?
Marian KeyesI couldn’t be with people and I didn’t want to be alone. Suddenly my perspective whooshed and I was far out in space, watching the world. I could see millions and millions of people, all slotted into their lives; then I could see me—I’d lost my place in the universe. It had closed up and there was nowhere for me to be. I was more lost than I had known it was possible for any human being to be.
Marian KeyesIt was only when the salt water of my tears ran into my cuts and made them sting that I discovered I was crying.
Marian KeyesMinsk! How pissed-off that sounded! It was great. You could scare the bejayzus out of someone if you said it right.
Marian Keyes... I am more of an ambler. I once overheard my old boss in Dublin describe me as very "hello trees, hello flowers." It was intended as an insult and it fulfilled its brief; I was insulted. I had little interest in greeting trees and flowers but nor did I treat life as a treadmill, on which it was vital to keep fleeing forward in order to avoid being sucked off the back and out of the game.
Marian Keyes