When you give people ability to stay connected with all the people they care about, and you make it so they can express new things about themselves or in communication with other people who they care about, then you just open up new possibilities. You make it so people can stay connected in ways that they couldn't before.
Mark ZuckerbergThere are many machines throughout history that were built to do something better than a human can.
Mark ZuckerbergVR is a very intense visual experience and having the most powerful PC is the only way to deliver certain experiences.
Mark ZuckerbergIt's tough to say, exactly, what things will look like in three to five years, but there's a lot of work to do in just moving along the path that we've already set out.
Mark ZuckerbergI don't hate anybody. The Winklevi aren't suing me for intellectual property theft. They're suing me because for the first time in their lives, the world didn't work the way it was supposed to for them.
Mark ZuckerbergJust because you can build a machine that is better than a person at something doesn't mean that it is going to have the ability to learn new domains or connect different types of information or context to do superhuman things. This is critically important to appreciate.
Mark ZuckerbergFind that thing you are super passionate about. A lot of founding principles of Facebook are that if people have access to more information and are more connected, it will make the world better; people will have more understanding, more empathy. Thatโs the guiding principle for me. On hard days, I really just step back, and thatโs the thing that keeps me going.
Mark Zuckerberg