Designful companies are those that weave design thinking into the fabric of the company. In a designful company, innovation is rewarded instead of punished. Risk taking is the norm instead of the exception. Some companies have already embraced this type of culture change with impressive results.
Marty NeumeierThe most innovative designers consciously reject the standard option box and cultivate an appetite for thinking wrong.
Marty NeumeierConvincing isn't really possible in an age of customer control. Customers hold most of the cards today. They have good visibility into their choices, and they can easily share information with each other. Not only that, they don't like to be sold. But they do like to buy. Your job shouldn't be to convince customers to buy, but to help them buy what they want.
Marty NeumeierWhen enough individuals arrive at the same gut feeling, a company can be said to have a brand.
Marty NeumeierCultures are naturally resistant to change. The same shared mental models that allow large numbers of people to work together efficiently can also keep people from imagining new ways of working together. In many corporate cultures, new ideas are viewed as heresy. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Marty Neumeier