... until both employers' and workers' groups assume responsibility for chastising their own recalcitrant children, they can vainly bay the moon about "ignorant" and "unfair" public criticism. Moreover, their failure to impose voluntarily upon their own groups codes of decency and honor will result in more and more necessity for government control.
Mary Barnett GilsonThe intelligent employer encourages challenge, questioning--not blind acceptance and "our Leader knows best" acclaim.
Mary Barnett Gilson... the self respect of individuals ought to make them demand of their leaders conformity with an agreed-upon code of ethics and moral conduct.
Mary Barnett GilsonProbably nothing in the experience of the rank and file of workers causes more bitterness and envy than the realization which comes sooner or later to many of them that they are "stuck" and can go no further.
Mary Barnett Gilson