as all women know, there are really no men at all. There are grown-up boys, and middle-aged boys, and elderly boys, and even sometimes very old boys. But the essential difference is simply exterior. Your man is always a boy.
Mary Roberts Rinehart... if one can remember without loving, then couldn't one love without remembering?
Mary Roberts RinehartLove sees clearly, and seeing, loves on. But infatuation is blind; when it gains sight, it dies.
Mary Roberts RinehartPolitics is still the man's game. The women are allowed to do the chores, the dirty work, and now and then--but only occasionally--one is present at some secret conference or other. But it's not the rule. They can go out and get the vote, if they can and will; they can collect money, they can be grateful for being permitted to work. But that is all.
Mary Roberts Rinehart