With the exception of very few who have gained higher spiritual tendencies in prior lives, Self-realization is not possible for anyone without the blessings of a guru. Think of the guru as the manifestation of God in this world. Take even the most insignificant word of the guru as an order and obey it. That is the real service to the guru. There is no greater austerity. The guru's blessings flow automatically to any obedient disciple. That is the real service to the guru.
Mata AmritanandamayiAny action done with the right attitude, understanding and discrimination will take you closer to liberation. If however, the same action is done without the right attitude, it will bind you.
Mata AmritanandamayiA true spiritual seeker should exercise control all the time, throughout the day and night.
Mata AmritanandamayiDevelop the ability to stand back as a witness to your thoughts. This will make your mind strong.
Mata AmritanandamayiUnderstand this great truth: The happiness that comes from the pleasures of the world is but a minute reflection of the infinite bliss that comes from within your own Self.
Mata Amritanandamayi