I think path in spirituality chooses us. I doubt seriously that we really have much choice in the matter.
Maya TiwariThe guru is a tremendous tradition because is a guide, it's a guide to life, and we can guide energetically, we can guide in our thought, we can have a prayer that travels wonderful things.
Maya TiwariAyurveda is not just about nutrition or herbology, it has a unique tool for diagnosis, diagnosis of understanding the human constitution is different from person to person. Each one has a unique metabolic system.
Maya TiwariBefore we understand how not to hurt, we must contribute to the peacefulness of it all, in that if we participate in any way, in anything that hurts, anything that involves killing and hurting, then we're hurting ourselves because we're not islands, we're all connected regardless of tradition, and because of that we're all connected.
Maya TiwariI discovered that some things are written for us. It's not that we can't change our ancestral bearings, or that the path or purpose of any of our lives is really written in stone. But what tends to happen sometimes is the path is so deeply inscribed in the birth that it becomes you and every variation away from it brings you back in ways that you are not controlling.
Maya TiwariA conventional person can be restrained by the prejudices of its tradition. Convention has too many prejudicial restraints. But unconventional is good, because what happens is the heart is open, it's free, it's non-judgmental. It's not accommodating, but it's embracing, there is a difference. To accommodate means it's already condescending, you condescend to accommodate. To embrace is free, it's totally free.
Maya Tiwari