A traditionalist can sometimes be looked at as someone who is a fundamentalist, or they can be looked at as someone with a very strict set of understandings of human nature. But a traditionalist in the Vedic tradition, is one who is open-hearted, who does not judge, there's nothing to judge whatsoever, who understands the basic understanding and karma of all of it, and who basically helps when help is called for.
Maya TiwariSuffering comes from not understanding or a full potential or full powers within ourselves to heal, to nurture, to nourish.
Maya TiwariWhen we look at things as simple as food, it's not about just nourishment and sustaining our life, it is really the seed of our ancestor.
Maya TiwariYou really look to understanding someone's psyche, and the choices that would best support them, and help to energetically open those areas of their being able to know that everything in life comes to us when our entire organism is clean and clear.
Maya TiwariThe more we are cleansed of conflicts, all sorts of conflicts, the easier it is for us to use our energy in a way that attracts the immutable healing of it all.
Maya TiwariThe guru is a tremendous tradition because is a guide, it's a guide to life, and we can guide energetically, we can guide in our thought, we can have a prayer that travels wonderful things.
Maya TiwariYou're born in a certain time, your budvi, or the way to mind, or the psyche of it all, understands the time in which you were born, and so already information is adapted by the mind of a person born in a certain time, that's why we're so different from our parents, and our parents from theirs.
Maya Tiwari