I don't watch that much comedy. I think it's professional jealousy. That and a lack of support for my community.
Michael Ian BlackI'll never admit that I'm an actor, because the next horrible follow-up question is always, "Oh, what have I seen you in?"
Michael Ian BlackWhen you're writing something, and you're putting yourself out there, or you're performing and someone comes in and savages that, then of course it feels personal. It doesn't feel like it's just business, because there's no business - it's not like we're conducting business, this anonymous critic and I. It's just that this person is tearing me a new asshole.
Michael Ian BlackI'm not sure what it would mean to have "made it." Made what? Yes, I can make a decent living in show business, so if that's the criteria, then I've made it. But that doesn't feel that important to me. The stuff that matters to me are the new challenges. I know that sounds hokey, but it's true.
Michael Ian Black