The fate of the paranormal is to become the normal as our horizons of understanding expand.
Michael ShermerSkepticism is not a position; skepticism is an approach to claims, in the same way that science is not a subject but a method.
Michael ShermerIn comparison, Google is brilliant because it uses an algorithm that ranks Web pages by the number of links to them, with those links themselves valued by the number of links to their page of origin.
Michael ShermerMyths are stories that express meaning, morality or motivation. Whether they are true or not is irrelevant.
Michael ShermerAre science and religion compatible? It's like, are science and plumbing compatible? They're just two different things.
Michael ShermerAs Enlightenment philosophers and scholars consciously adopted the methods of science to establish such abstract concepts as rights, liberty, and justice, successive generations have become schooled in thinking of these abstractions as applied to others in matrices-like mental rotations.
Michael Shermer