We are alive and need to take risks. And if we fail, so what? Who cares? It doesn't matter. Learn and move on without judgement.
Miguel Angel RuizWe ask everybody to help us to change the world, but we are not talking about our planet Earth; we are talking about the world that each one of us creates within our mind. We are talking about the story that we create.
Miguel Angel Ruizthere is no need to justify what we are. there is no need to work hard to become what we are not. we just need to return to our intergrity, to the way we were before we learned to speak. perfect. as little children, we are authentic. only the present time is real for us; wo don't care about the past, and we aren't worried about the future. we enjoy life; we want to explore and have fun. nobody teaches us to be that way; we are born that way.
Miguel Angel Ruiz