When the severity of the law is to be softened, let pity, not bribes, be the motive.
Miguel de CervantesThe pen is the language of the soul; as the concepts that in it are generated, such will be its writings.
Miguel de CervantesModesty, tis a virtue not often found among poets, for almost every one of them thinks himself the greatest in the world.
Miguel de CervantesAll the vices, Sancho, bring some kind of pleasure with them; but envy brings nothing but irritation, bitterness, and rage.
Miguel de CervantesNow, blessings light on him that first invented sleep!ร It covers a man all over, thoughts and all, like a cloak; it is meat for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, heat for the cold, and cold for the hot.ร It is the current coin that purchases all the pleasures of the world cheap, and the balance that sets the king and the shepherd, the fool and the wise man, even.
Miguel de CervantesWell, there's a remedy for all things but death, which will be sure to lay us flat one time or other.
Miguel de CervantesReading Don Quixote can be compared to an indefinite visit from your most impossible senior relative, with all his pranks, dirty habits, unstoppable reminiscences, and terrible cronies. When the experience is over, and the old boy checks out at last (on page 846 - the prose wedged tight, with no breaks for dialogue), you will shed tears all right; not tears of relief or regret but tears of pride. You made it, despite all that 'Don Quixote' could do.
Miguel de CervantesOne of the effects of fear is to disturb the senses and cause things to appear other than what they are.
Miguel de CervantesNo fathers or mothers think their own children ugly; and this self-deceit is yet stronger with respect to the offspring of the mind.
Miguel de CervantesIf thou takest virtue for the rule of life, and valuest thyself upon acting in all things comfortably thereto, thou wilt have no cause to envy lords and princes; for blood is inherited, but virtue is common property, and may be acquired by all; it has, moreover, an intrinsic worth, which blood has not.
Miguel de CervantesLove is invisible and comes and goes where it wants, without anyone asking about it.
Miguel de CervantesSorrow was made for man, not for beasts; yet if men encourage melancholy too much, they become no better than beasts.
Miguel de CervantesOne of the most considerable advantages the great have over their inferiors is to have servants as good as themselves.
Miguel de CervantesThe bow cannot always stand bent, nor can human frailty subsist without some lawful recreation.
Miguel de CervantesIf you are ambitious of climbing up to the difficult, and in a manner inaccessible, summit of the Temple of Fame, your surest way is to leave on one hand the narrow path of Poetry, and follow the narrower track of Knight-Errantry, which in a trice may raise you to an imperial throne.
Miguel de CervantesThere are but few proverbial sayings that are not true, for they are all drawn from experience itself, which is the mother of all sciences.
Miguel de Cervantes