Problems are solved only when we devote a great deal of attention to them and in a creative have a good life, it is not enough to remove what is wrong with it. We also need a positive goal, otherwise why keep going? Creativity is one answer to that question - It provides one of the most exciting models for living.
Mihaly CsikszentmihalyiPeople without an internalized symbolic system can all too easily become captives of the media.
Mihaly CsikszentmihalyiWhen people restrain themselves out of fear, their lives are by necessity diminished. They become rigid and defensive, and their self stops growing.
Mihaly CsikszentmihalyiHalf a century ago, the Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl wrote that happiness cannot be attained by wanting to be happy - it must come as the unintended consequence of working for a goal greater than oneself.
Mihaly CsikszentmihalyiMany business leaders today view their jobs as entailing responsibility for the welfare of the wider community. These individuals do not define themselves as profit-making machines whose only reason for existing is to satisfy escalating expectation for immediate gain.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi