I don't think we could have given a more honest version of ourselves to the world than we did for ["This Is Mike Stud"].
Mike StudThat's why your middle finger close to your ring, coz it's either love or hate there ain't no in-between
Mike StudThis is a new phase in my life. I just want people to give the show ["This Is Mike Stud"] and myself a real chance. I'm pretty self aware and know what people are going to think this show is going to be like.
Mike StudWith this project ["This Is Mike Stud"] in general, I tried to put my life on record. All of these things I'm going through right now, I used to dream about and didn't think could ever happen to me.
Mike StudMy music started out as a complete joke, so really all I was doing was going for witty punchlines to make all of my buddies laugh.
Mike StudI'm legitimately having more fun doing music, but at the same time I worked my whole life for baseball. If I had to pick, I would probably pick music. I just connect more with the fact that other people connect with that I'm doing so much. It's a much cooler thing than being good at sports.
Mike Stud