I would like to instill in people just to work hard. As long as they keep at it, their dreams will happen.
Misty May-TreanorI know when things are going to get me a little nervous, because nervous to me feels good.
Misty May-TreanorWe're a team, and just by the nature of our sport, we're always promoted together. I think we are definitely two different people with two different personalities, but we're always linked.
Misty May-TreanorOnce the day is over in volleyball, I leave the court and no one sees or hears from me for the rest of the day. I like to keep work at work. It's pretty easy for me to live a pretty normal life. I like to coach and I like to sit in a crowd at a baseball game. No one really recognizes me unless I'm walking around a beach half-naked in a suit with my name on it. Of course, I have it easier than Kerri. When you're 6-3 you tend to stick out a little bit.
Misty May-Treanor