The emptiness I speak about is not the emptiness the mind imagines. It is not blank. Your body can continue expressing in a natural way. Intelligence is there. Emotions can come. Everything can play, but inside there is total serenity and peace. No planning, no strategising, no personal identity is there. Just the space of pure being. It is what we are, but we dream and believe we are not.
MoojiLet the mind come as it wants; just you don't go with it. The greatest salesman in the world cannot sell you if you don't buy.
MoojiSurrender is not a weakness it is strength.It takes tremendous strength to surrender life to the supreme - to the cosmic unfolding.
MoojiI don't have to be anything at all. I don't even have to be myself, because there is no such thing as not being myself. I am inescapably myself.
MoojiDon't expect anything from anybody, this is also a great freedom. Don't expect things to be different or people to be in service to you or your own life or projections. Feel gradually that natural feeling of detachment. Dont watch constantly with the eyes of relationship and past and so on. Stay faithful to your own discovery, leave the rest and life will take care of it.